picoos-net  1.xxxx
picoos-net - network libarary for pico]OS

Table Of Contents


This library contains IPv4 and IPv6 network stack for pico]OS. Library is based on uIP network stack which has low resource usage, making it suitable for all kinds of microcontrollers. uIP project lives under Contiki OS nowadays.


Socket layer:

Simple socket layer, which makes writing of applications much easier than using standard uIP style.

Telnet layer:

Simple telnet protocol layer based on socket layer to help writing of CLI applications.

Device drivers:

Some device drivers suitable for use with socket layer. Currently drivers for ENC28J60, CS8900A and unix tap are included.

Typical packet flow when using socket layer is:

in: netInterfacePoll -> netEthernetInput -> arp -> uip:tcpip_input

out: uip:tcpip_output -> netInterfaceOutput -> netEthernetOutput -> arp -> netInterfaceXmit